- This site was founded by Craig Newmark and is based out of San Francisco but has sites all around the world. Jim Buckmaster is the current CEO of Craigslist and helped develop the sites peculiar philosophy. Along with thousands of classified ads it has several discussion groups. Check out their factsheet for more information. You might even have something you'd like to post. All postings are completely free, you just have to log on with an email address and follow their rules. - There are lots of real estate listing sources out there and this is currently the most popular one in the U.S., but there are several others. Need a house? Just want to check out the local market? Search for Multiple Listing Service properties online. - Here's another real estate source. If you're wondering how much your house is worth, Zillow just might have the answer for you. This site combines all kinds of publically available resources including satellite maps to give you a pretty good overview of a neighborhood. - Looking for a new or used car, there are several sites out there that can help you. This particular site has lots more to offer than just a list of cars for sale. Don't stop here though, there are lots of other car sites to check out too. - One of many jobs websites that are on the internet. This new way to look for employment was initially only popular among techies but jobs in all fields are being listed online now. - Created by Tim Armstrong, Warren Webster and John Brod in 2007 this website, which is currently owned by AOL, is a popular local news platform. As of September 2013 they had over 1000 local and hyperlocal news websites. It's a handy resource for finding local events and activities as well as local news.
Your Local Paper - Yes, they can be a good online resource for your classified needs. Don't forget to check out the online versions of your local newspapers to see what they have to offer too.
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